*** I am looking for motivated Graduate and Undergraduate students to work in my group in the Autonomous Intelligent Mobile Systems Lab (AIMSLab). Interested students can email me at: sabur.baidya@louisville.edu.

Funded Open Positions

RA funding covers tuition, fees, stipend ($22,000 per year), and health insurance. Additionally, the Computer Science and Engineering Department provides various Fellowship and Teaching Assistantship (TA) opportunities as well.


Requirements for the Applicants:

    Candidates with background in one or more of the following areas:

Prospective students may have background in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or other related disciplines. The following skills are desired for  the prospective candidates:

    Interested candidates are encouraged to contact the faculty by email to: sabur.baidya@louisville.edu, with the following:

  1. CV
  2. Links/pdf of any published article(s)
  3. Github profile or sample project(s) showing good coding skills
  4. Scanned copy of Transcript (official or unofficial) of the last degree


What the Advisor Offers:

What the Place Offers: